Wacom - Shan Jiang
🇧🇷 Tá aí um projeto que tive muito orgulho de fazer. Esse ano foi um daqueles de muitas reviravoltas, desde se dedicar apenas na produção de vídeos, bem como na surpresa de muitos projetos sensacionais.
🇺🇸 Here's a project I was very proud to do. This year was one of many upheavals, since dedicating himself only to motion design, and that brought me the surprise of many sensational projects.
🇺🇸 Here's a project I was very proud to do. This year was one of many upheavals, since dedicating himself only to motion design, and that brought me the surprise of many sensational projects.
🇧🇷 Esse, é um deles. A ilustra incrível de @shanjiang790 me fez querer animar cada personagem que se encontra nessa arte. Ela é a ilustra que se encontra na embalagem da Cintiq 22. Mesa digitalizadora da @wacom.
🇺🇸 This one is one of them. @shanjiang790 amazing illustration made me want to animate every character in this art. It is the illustration found on the Cintiq 22 packaging @wacom graphics tablet
🇺🇸 This one is one of them. @shanjiang790 amazing illustration made me want to animate every character in this art. It is the illustration found on the Cintiq 22 packaging @wacom graphics tablet
🇧🇷 Aqui, a parte mais difícil foi o recorte (como sempre kkk). Já a reconstrução não foi tão complicada, visando que a ilustração tem muita qualidade.
🇺🇸 Here, the hardest part was the cut (as always lol). The reconstruction was not so complicated, as the illustration is of high quality.
🇺🇸 Here, the hardest part was the cut (as always lol). The reconstruction was not so complicated, as the illustration is of high quality.
🇧🇷 Já na animação, fiz simples puppets pins e alguns turbulents displaces em alguns personagens. Em outros fiz o bom e velho cut-out.
Enfim, estou muito feliz de ter feito esse projeto. Que venham muito mais!
🇺🇸 As for the animation, I made simple puppet pins and some turbulent displaces on some characters. In others I did the good old cut-out.
Anyway, I'm very happy to have done this project. Here's to many more!
Enfim, estou muito feliz de ter feito esse projeto. Que venham muito mais!
🇺🇸 As for the animation, I made simple puppet pins and some turbulent displaces on some characters. In others I did the good old cut-out.
Anyway, I'm very happy to have done this project. Here's to many more!

Motion Design - Johnatan Conce
Ilustração - Shan Jiang
Música - Envato Elements
Motion Design - Johnatan Conce
Ilustration - Shan Jiang
Music - Envato Elements
Motion Design - Johnatan Conce
Ilustração - Shan Jiang
Música - Envato Elements
Motion Design - Johnatan Conce
Ilustration - Shan Jiang
Music - Envato Elements